How it all works

iNavigator is more than a Directory. iNavigator makes Social Prescribing simple. Listing your Service on our website means that you will be able to receive referrals from local health and social care services where appropriate.

Service Providers from across the health, social, third and private sector can connect via iNavigator. Secure seamless, referral tracking and feedback. Managing your referrals is easy via your secure Dashboard.

01. Create An Account

Whether you are one person delivering a service in your community or a larger organisation, you will need to set up an account. All we need is your name, the name of your organisation and your email address. You will then be asked to create a password.

02. Submit Your Listing

Now tell us about your service (or organisation). You will be asked for information that will be displayed on our website. This includes the location(s), the type of service that you provide and a description, opening hours and session information. This will allow people looking for help to filter and find the most appropriate service for them.

03. Get Approval

Once you have submitted your Listing, we will review and verify your information. You will then receive an email to confirm that your Listing is live on our website.